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Who can participate in the California End of Life Option Act?
How does a patient demonstrate residency?
I believe I meet the criteria. What should I discuss with my doctor regarding the aid-in-dying drug?
I want to request an aid-in-dying drug. How do I proceed?
Am I guaranteed a second appointment with my attending physician 48 hours after my first request?
If I start the process and I decide that I no longer want to participate, can I rescind my request?
What if my doctor does not want to participate in this process?
Will my insurance cover the aid-in-dying drug?
How should I involve my family and significant others?
Do I need to be enrolled in hospice or another end-of-life treatment program?
Can I request the aid-in-dying drug even if I don’t plan to take it immediately?
Where can I take the aid-in-dying drug?
Must a physician be present when I ingest the aid-in-dying drug?
How long does it take for the aid-in-dying drug to take effect?
What will the death certificate say?
Are there other end-of-life options that I should know about?